Monday, June 5, 2017

June Fitness Testing Information

June Fitness testing this year will consist of two day trials.

Day 1 is without the ball consisting of:

1. Arrowhead agility test

2. Illinois Agility

3. 30m Dash

4. 60s Push-up

5. Standing Jump

Day 2 is with the ball consisting of:

1. Arrowhead

2. Illinois

3. Figure 8

4. 60s Juggling

These tests are to provide fitness data with and without the ball, information will only be shared with individual player and coaches. (Parents if requested)

The goal for the student athletes is to be just as quick with the ball as they are without.

I am a visual person so I am posting some videos of agility testing for those who would like to have an idea.

At the end of July there will be a second round of fitness testing to show progress.


Figure 8 with ball

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Practice Shirts

Updated for 2017: This year the girls team will be required to have two team practice shirts (one orange, one white), practice shirts are to encourage the idea of TEAM unity. They are being designed for us by the local business Ballher brand, who create high quality product specifically created for athletic women.

The two shirts together will cost $40.00, below is the link for the PDF of the order form, to be mailed by June 26, 2016 with the full payment amount. Checks are to be made out to 'Ballher, Ltd.'

If there is an issue with the cost please contact the head coach.

The shirts will have a different symbol instead of the block M that is shown on the order form.

Welcome to the 2017 Season!

Hi everyone!
This is the 2017 seasons first blog post! We begin summer preseason June 12th at 9-11am at the practice fields.
If you missed the fall sports meeting, there are papers in the athletic office that you need to collect. I will also be attaching a t-shirt order form to the blog for you to print out (needs to be mailed to Tom Miller from Bahler Brand).
Our google calendar is live and at the bottom of the blog's home page. There is information that is old on the blog that I am currently in the middle of updating.
Please contact me if you have any questions!
Thanks! Let's have a great season!!

Coach Katie